Luggage Labyrinth

8 Day Game Jam // Unity

Games Soundtracks & Albums

Airport baggage claims crawler.


  • tfx: Code, Music
  • Zope: Code, VFX
  • Xuubasa: Code
  • SonderGaming: Art
  • Hiij: Art

Luggage Labyrinth was designed for the 2021 Dungeon Crawler Jam. The jam focused on building traditional, grid based dungeon crawlers in the proto-CRPG style. Interested in trying a setting other than the standard dank dungeon, the team decided in the planning meeting to use a "modern but weird" setting. Thus, a baggage claim haunted by all of those who have fallen onto the conveyor belt...

This game jam saw our first attempt at using an additive scene loading approach, where the overworld (that is, the conveyors, grinders, and baggage) would be overlaid with a combat scene when the player encounters the enemy. This caused issues near the end of the jam due to complications with script run order when setting up the combat scene, but the end result is mostly playable. Be sure to avoid attacking empty slots!

A battle commences
The player is attacked by a troop of possessed shirts
A gauntlet to the exit