
party code // tic80 production


Say that one time fast. Just once.

AYCE is:

  • tfx: Code
  • pigu: Code, Art
  • DevEd: Code, Art, Outro Music
  • 25_8_pu2k: Art
  • Zlew: Main Demo Music

This was a group effort between myself and my friends from the AYCE (All You Can Execute) demo group. This represents a month worth of work from a team of five members, each with a different skill set (programming, music, and graphics) coming together to create a limit pushing product.

Notable effects include the high-color image (showing more than the 16 colors "possible" on tic80), and the fractal zoomer. I was personally responsible for sewing together all sections of the demo, creating several transitions, the text scroller, and plasma cubes (with a little help from a friend).

Texture mapped cubes with a plasma effect
A fly through a field of squares
Staff roll with spline effects